Creating a Practice Test - Number of questions and upload process

I am planning to create a practice test for an exam. Could you please help me with the following 2 questions?

1) Is there a limit on the number of questions for a practice test? My test might be having around 1,500 questions!

2) Is there a bulk upload process for practice tests available?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,549 Udemy rank

    Hi @JohnHonai
    , each practice test can have up to 250 questions per practice test. There can be up to 6 practice tests per course (each with a maximum of 250 questions)
    2. Yes, you can use the bulk upload are within the practice test, which simply allows you to upload a CSV file with the questions. This file has to be in the format Udemy supports and is found here;

    I really hope this information helps!

    Eliana Cerna

  • Thanks @ElianaC
    . It certainly did help!

  • Hi Eliana,

    My practice tests are in moodle format and the text contains HTML. Do you know how to specify html content in the bulk uploader CSV file?

    If anyone knows how to bulk upload HTML content to create practice tests, please let me know.

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    You can't on Udemy, you would need to format into *.csv with the right formatting for Udemy (they have a template).

  • Thanks for your reply, Thor. Converting to udemy csv format is not an issue. The problem is that the textual data of the question (i.e. the problem statement , option statements, html etc) are in html formatted. For example, the problem statement has for bold and

    for code
    tags embedded.

    How do I put those into CSV so that would show up correctly. THe only way that I can see right now is to strip all such tag and upload. THen open each question individually and format it again. There are more than 1000 questions in different courses.

    If that is indeed the only solution, then Udemy truely sucks.

  • Thanks for the reply but as mentioned before, the issue is not csv itself. The issue is html formatted content in the csv file.

  • Fahd
    Fahd Posts: 2 researcher rank


    I'm wondering if there is a solution available now?