Herbal medicine

Hello everyone my name is Aya and I'm a pharmacist who has passion in herbs and how to pick the right herbs and how to use them for different infections and diseases also i have herbal blends which i would like to present them to you all so is anyone interested for a herbal medicine course ? And if there is someone interested what kind of herbs would you like me to introduce for you ?


  • Robin_Slee
    Robin_Slee Posts: 158 specialist rank

    This community is full of people likely looking to create new courses themselves. I would guess that these are not your target audience. Instead, I would suggest that you do some research using google trends, pinterest, facebook groups etc. You need to validate your course before you invest too much time creating it. Research is key.

    I will leave you with this - "You really need to be asking where your potential audience is looking!"

    I hope this helps? Regards, Rob.

  • Robin_Slee
    Robin_Slee Posts: 158 specialist rank

    Also, you will want to get your keywords right. From a 10 second search it appears that "Herbal Medicine" is not a topic in its own right on Udemy. However, "Herbalism" is. So theres that to think about.
    Google is showing "Herbalism" as roughly 50 searches a day (world wide). So you will need to target some other keywords. "Natural Remedies" has three times more search volume!
    So, really take some time to dig into this, there could be some potential there... or not...
    Good luck.
    Regards, Rob.

  • thank you so much