Course price change to free

I have a course that published, it's price was tier 37. Recently I was so busy and I can't maintain my course, answer questions or update content. And not being able to actively maintain hurts my course review. I want to set my course price to free so that user can freely access my course but the new policy from Udemy is not allow to change priced to free if video content > 2hrs
Can anyone has the same problem as me (
Honestly, switching it to free when you are struggling to maintain the course as is will hurt the course reviews even more than they are now.
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I agree with @TameraDion
. Switching to free could cause you more harm than good.
Instead, I would manage my time and send out an announcement to students enrolled in the course - letting them know your availability (office hours) even if that is only one afternoon a week.
You could also take that opportunity to gather feedback about areas to focus on and areas that do not need to pull at your attention.
Good luck.
Regards, Rob.1 -
OK I agree with you guys, you two got the point. However, I really want to make it free because I want to give it away to the community. My course is about a technology and it's old, new version has been released and I just want to make it free, I want anyone can learn it.
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Udemy has the 2 hour rule now so no real way to get around it. You could split the course up in part 1 and 2, or release it on Yotube etc.