You subject has never been taught online before? Test and retest!

Do you have an amazing idea however your searches have revealed your subject area has never been taught before! Great, you have a unique selling point straight away. However the road ahead needs to be tested and retested to ensure your course and the way you are presenting it actually works.
I faced this in 2013 with something called the Munay Ki, these are Shamanic initiation Rites that had only been made available to the western world in 2006. The rites are about stewardship. They are not ego-awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service. So how was I, a white women from Western Australia going to do this!
No one had put these sacred Rites or anything like them online I had no one to bounce off. One of the biggest challenges was trying to teach them credibly for the first time. Plus I knew I would encounter criticism.
I set up three check groups of people local to me. One group were familiar with the Rites, the second group interested in spirituality but not knowing about the Rites and a third who were interested in learning in general. I would set up mini meeting with them, go over with my laptop and run through sequences of videos. I had to check and recheck with the groups to ensure I was on the right path and that the teachings were accessible to everyone no matter their background. There were many hours plotting and meditating how to be able to transfer the Rites to anyone who enrolled. I still use this method to test my courses except now I utilise small groups of people online. This may or not be appropriate for you and your course, however it worked for me.
Never be concerned about being in a niche and forging a new frontier! There are even keywords for shamanism these days. Initially you would be hijacked away to Java and other odd data names!
Love it! Thanks for sharing @SharonRamel