Template at the Course Landing page

Dear Udemy Team of Publisher, and other Friends of me at the Instructor Community,
It is my pleasure to hear about marketplace health of Udemy
Besides, I say, I am going to be the real instructor, I am still the New Comer of Udemy Instructor Community.
I am glad that the latest test video is already given the comment, said a good enough quality,after I change my Camera utility n learn editing utilizing Cam & filmora, now I still learn a little bit How to fulfill the content at the Course Landing Page, so there will be the Kind of Video, file PDF of the material of the Course content plus the Quis, does it seem to review at every chapter of the Course? I am still learning How to utilizing the template of Course Landing Page well, so I can attach the material of the Course well till to publish my course, : where the file ofine is Video, pdf file of material & pdf file of the quis, and is there any limitation of time to finish the Course? I plan only 2 Courses of Export Import in which emphasizing at How to fill right the Documents of Export Import & the 2nd Course is about calculating Cost Calculation Of Importer & Exporter, thanks a lot yr support all of my friends here. Best regards
Hi @Nurhadiyuwo116
, I'm glad to hear you're learning and making progress with your course creation process. Looks like you received positive feedback on your Test Video, so nothing can stop you!I'm happy to inform you that we have great resources to help you optimize your course landing page! Follow the articles below for more information:
- Course Landing Page: Rules and Guidelines
- Make your course more discoverable using SEO Keywords
- CLP Checklist 1: Your course title, subtitle, and SEO best practices
- CLP Checklist 2: Your intended learner audience, course learning objectives, description, and lectures
About your course curriculum: a standard Udemy course is video-based. Additional teaching tools (like assignments, quizzes, and coding exercises, etc) can be added to create a rich learning experience for students.
There is no limit of time to finish the course, you are free to dedicate as much time as you need and work on it at your own pace.
Feel free to reach back out if you have any additional questions.
Bella Almeida
Udemy Community
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Dear Sirs : Team of Udemy Publisher
Thanks so much for the very helpful thing given through the link about How to utiluze CLP well refer to make the Course at Udemy in which I desire & plan to share , best tegards of making opportunity always given to me especially , Yours Faithfully
Nurhadi Yuwono