Commercial software training course

Hello everyone,

Could I develop a training course on a commercial software without taking the permission of its developer?

What are the legal steps?

Thanks for advice.


  • RandyMinder
    RandyMinder Posts: 685 visionary rank

    @Mohamed Mesbah
    - Why wouldn't you ask the developer?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,635 Udemy rank

    Hi @Mohamed Mesbah
    if you think that the material that you are using might be infringing upon somebody else's idea or content, we would suggest not including it in your course. The easiest way to check whether it is ok for you to use somebody else's content in your course is to contact them directly and ask for their permission.

    Ultimately, Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. Remember that you retain the rights to all of the content that you place on Udemy and that we are simply the platform through which you deliver that material.

    For more information please write an email to our Trust & Safety team at

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • @RandyMinder
    I tried through emails but unfortunately I have not received any response.

  • @ElianaC
    Do you know if Photoshop, Microsoft or autocad instructors get approval from the developers?

    I communicated the developer but unfortunately I have not received any response yet.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    If you hunt down the company's terms and conditions for using their trademarks, you might get lucky and see that they explicitly allow books and training as long as you represent their trademark correctly.

    If they don't, then you really should seek written permission first. I have heard some horror stories of instructors getting a cease & desist letter out of the blue, and having to pull down their courses and all of the revenue associated with them.

    If they aren't responding to emails, try harder. See if you can find a connection through LinkedIn or other people to email. Try calling them. I'm going through this same process right now myself, and if I can't get an answer, I'm not making the course. Too many commercial companies offer training as part of their business, and may view your course as competition they won't tolerate.

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