The site is making my course available, without my permission, for download

The site is making my course available, without my permission, for download

I found a website that is putting my course for download without my permission. And, I realized that it's not just mine, but several udemy courses. Does this have any solution?

Is there any solution on the part of Udemy, against the wrongful act of this site?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,627 Udemy rank

    Hi @Frederico Rodrigues de Oliveira
    We totally understand that finding your hard work being available for free download is really frustrating. I really wish this wasn’t the case, but sadly, online content is often pirated, even HBO and Netflix shows. The best thing to do when you find something like this is to submit a takedown request with our partner Link-Busters who can act on your behalf to request that your course is removed from these sites.

    Link-Busters typically successfully gets the Google Search result removed so it’s harder for people to find these pirate sites and download your course. Unfortunately, it’s harder to ensure that the actual pirate sites remove your course because they tend to ignore DMCA requests.

    Hope this helps clarify what’s going on! For more information about Link-Busters, check out this article:

    Thanks for understanding!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Team

  • Thank you for your guidance and clarification.

    Much obliged.