Art Healing

Hi guys, my name is Silvia Mocikova and I am working on Art Healing course at the moment. I struggle with many things and one of them is my identity. I have been told that I should use a different name as 1. Silvia is veey old fashioned name here in UK, 2. Mocikova is not familiar at all. I was thinking of creating a pseudonym as an artist and healer. Any thoughts on this please? Also is it legally OK to be using my pseudonym?


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,632 Udemy rank

    Hi @Silvia
    It is allowed to create an account under a pseudonym name rather than your legal name. Please note that if your new name differs from your legal name, however, you may be asked to complete additional instructor identification steps.

    Remember, as an instructor, the name you decide to use is public and is visible in the marketplace.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Team

  • Thank you Eliana, this is very helpful 🧡