Freebie Friday - Best place to get stock photos?

Happy Friday!
It’s time for a new feature which we like to call Freebie Friday! We know that starting an online course can sometimes be an expensive venture, but it doesn’t have to be.
Share your favorite resources for getting
"Over 2.4 million+ high quality stock images, videos and music shared by our talented community."
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I cannot go past
Stand out from the crowd and create your own unique images with an abundance of free stock images, graphics, gifs, backgrounds and more.
All of my course images are created using elements from Canva with the exception of the Munay Ki which my dear Udemy friend Kristen Palana created.
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Unspash ( - "Over 2 million free high-resolution images brought to you by the world’s most generous community of photographers." Check out their FREE license policy:
Canva has acquired both Pexels and Pixabay in 2020. More information here:
And thus, I agree with @SharonRamel
, @LawrenceMMiller
, and @Salil Dhawan
--> these three are also great free stock photo resources...P.S.: When using any free stock photos, videos, vectors or icons, please do check the terms, conditions, and licensing guidelines of the website. Free stuff comes with a rider of being exposed to potential infringement issues. Hence, I ensure I pay for the stock photos or videos for all my courses. I use Freepik, Adobe Stock, Shutter Stock, Storyblocks or Noun Project. These are all reliable resources.
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When we go for paying per image it gets very expensive, so using shutter stock really adds up the cost, its better to take a subscription that offers unlimited amount of images, therefore Canva is good as once you are on the subscription plan there is no limit.
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Yes, it's expensive for me too. I don't pay for any photos or images. I'm not having a return that compensates for it. I was using And, I'm also using icons, images, and short videos from PowerPoint
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What kind of Shutterstock license do you use? Does it have to be enhanced if I wanna use Shutterstock images in my Udemy course? Thank you in advance for your answer.