It’s Share your Wins Wednesday!

It’s that time again instructors!

There is always something to celebrate, so we are wondering what small (or big) win are you celebrating this week?

Let us know in the comments below!


  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    This seems to fit with a win- I just got back from Vegas, and although I didn't hit any jackpots, my Udemy sales allowed me to be able to take time off from my full-time job and have a fun weekend visiting Vegas for a friend's wedding. One of the many recent trips I have been able to go on and Udemy has afforded me.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Nice, @AliciaPaz
    ! How was Vegas and your friend's wedding? I hope you had a great time!

  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    Fun times even if Vegas is the messiest of messes

  • Today my Course earnings come to big. So very good news. I want to win UDEMY Tshirt Dear Bella

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @IlkinCavadovpan
    , remember to visit our community home page and look for today's giveaway to answer the prompt!

  • My dear, sometimes want to much, but dont anything im late. @Bella