What about Biased Reviews

Hello Great minds!

I am happy to be among the great instructors in udemy platform.

I want ask about the issue of biased reviews. If from all indication, we can testified that a review is biased, we can apply to be remove?

case in point. A student only learned 15% of the course. Then gives a review of 1. Makes no comment.

point to note - this is a free course, so there is no point of thinking he got disappointed or frustrated in the first 15 mins of learning. Before he made this review, the course had a rating of 5 on 5.

So how does udemy deals with this kind of issues. Because its really a pain in the ass. That you gives a free gift but some people comes there just to spoil it.

best regards


  • I highly recommend you search through any of the other numerous posts on reviews here in the community. Unless the student did something wrong in writing their review, there is nothing to be done about the one star. So far, to that student, the course is not helping them and they do not view it as highly as a different student. This is normal, and happens to literally all of us. Students are allowed to rate courses as they see fit, and unless there is proof of foul play, it will be seen as a valid review. The good news is, with the algorithm, that review will not count as much in your overall score as say, a 4 star, with 30 minutes viewed. Or even a 2 star with a few words in their comments.

  • Most students don't watch the entire course whern they leave a review. In fact, Udemy asks them to leave a review at the very beggining of the course