November - Ask a Champion Thread!

Happy November Instructors!
We are starting a new kind of thread here in the Community, it’s called “Ask a Champion”. In this thread, you’ll be able to tap into the experience and expertise of two of our Community Champions.
This month, our thread is hosted by @SharonRamel
& @MarkLassoff
! Both of these Champions have been with the program for several years and are ready, willing & able to answer any questions you might have about being a Udemy Instructor.
What questions do you have for Sharon & Mark?
Hi @SharonRamel
& @MarkLassoffWhat is the best way to organize outside-of-Udemy (but online) activities for students?
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Hi @EWTIC_Mentor
I run competitions for my student group within my private FB Group. I give students the heads up in an educational announcement with the parameters and prize. The discussions and input from students is amazing. Sometimes the prize is one of my courses for free and sometimes other things. Students actually come forward and offer potential prizes which is super cool.Other than that they are encourages to help each other with the motto that if they share they grow.
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Hi @SharonRamel
That sounds great. I’ve had difficulty getting participation from my students in the past.
Can you give an example of what a competition would look like and how to carry it out to get the most participation? My students are not English first language.
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thank you big time. Awesome!0 -
Hi @EWTIC_Mentor
--I would start with this question: What is your goal for organizing outside-of-Udemy activities for students?
This may be heresy, but, my goal is to maximize profitability-- not to interact with students more than I have to. It's not that I don't care, or, don't like my students. However, we deliver a complete do-it-yourself course. I answer questions, but, beyond that, I don't want to spend time interacting, because that is time that takes away from producing my next course and running my business.
So, what is your goal?
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Congratz the best of champions. And dear moderator. All the best of the community and i have no question))) thanks for all
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Thanks for the feedback. Yes, my goal too is to increase profitability plus giving students something more than just a course (kinda bonus). A platform for practicing in real-time what they learn in my course.0 -
What is your best advice for a new instructor making his own course?
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My question is How to make good quality video lectures on a low budget ?
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Hi @serchagoyavilla
,Can I give you three?
1) Go Narrow, not broad-- Udemy is crowded, but, it's not impossible to break in. You break in more easily by creating a course that has a narrow topic. For example, there are hundreds of Excel courses on Udemy. But if you look at course ideas that might have a narrower appeal-- say Pivot Tables for Finance in Excel-- there's less competition. Choose your topic carefully, and unless you can do a lot of marketing, keep your topic narrow.
2) Be unique! There are hundreds of people narrating screencasts on Udemy! BO-RING! Instead of just being another instructor narrating a screencast, find a unique take, production technique-- something DIFFERENT and do that when you author your course.
3) Learn production and CARE. There are many courses with low production value-- the instructor's bed behind them in the video frame, less than good audio. Production is a learned skill and not a talent. Take the time to do things right. Your audience will appreciate it.
Good luck-- What topic are you thinking of creating your course on?
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Great question!Do you have a mobile phone?
It's tempting to buy one of those expensive $1,000+ cameras. You may have even made the plunge. But, here's the thing...
Those cameras are complex and you need to understand how they work to use them well.
If you want to just capture some quick video for your online course, you may be better off using your mobile device. Modern mobile devices have cameras and quality that rivals that of the best video cameras-- And since you likely already have a mobile device it's free to use for your online courses.
A couple of tips for using your mobile device to record video for your online courses:1) Always hold your camera in landscape mode-- like the shape of your television. Instagram TV is dead and all #onlinelearning video uses the landscape mode.
2) Shoot at 1x magnification-- Never magnify the image on your mobile device. Magnification comes at a cost: Distortion
3) Compose your images using the "Rule of Thirds". Your subject should be approximately 1/3 of the way from the left or right and top or bottom. This will make your image more interesting than centering your subject.
4) Use a rig or tripod. Your hands just aren't that steady. Using a rig or tripod (or both) will give you the steadiest image and avoid making your viewers seasick.
5) Shoot at 4K if you can. Output at HD (1920 x 1080). This will allow you to use only a portion of the image shot and simulate a 2 or 3 camera shoot.3 -
Sounds like you know what to do then-- Be careful-- You can't increase profitability by selling your Udemy audience something. Udemy expects that the course fee should cover everything...But if your goal is to practice in the "real world," you can simply include those resources in your course. Just make sure you're not collecting email addresses or using them to market and you're good.
Keep in mind it's easier to engage on Udemy than off!
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Sure @JenneGlo
here is the copy of a thread I posted recently when I was getting irritated about all the external links. Generally, my Admins run the group. I have little interaction with it other than Facebook Lives for a free ceremony or to promote my latest course."I am throwing out a challenge to you all. Create a magical spell or poem, or craft a shamanic journey… add a beautiful image you have created or mashed to bring it to life. Post it here and the admins (not me so it is independent) will select two winners. The prize - one of my courses for free.I want you all to explore the outer reaches of your soul, your calling, your rich verdant pastures. Whilst it is always nice to share the thoughts of other amazing people. It is you… your voice I want to hear and see you explore. The finish date for this quest is the 31st of October so get to it….Allow yourselves to surrender and go confidently in the direction of your dreams."I had over 400 entries and the prize cost me nothing. However, what it has done is re-orientate them back to helping each other rather than posting external links... which is against the rules and gets you banned from the group. If I announce it through an educational announcement more will enter. I have another early December planned - the giveaway is a beautiful piece of artwork created and donated by a student. Whatever the prize - it is either donated or a free course. They love it.3 -
Thanks so much @SharonRamel
for elaborating on how a contest can be set up.1 -
Give it your "the Best". This is your debut and it requires from you the best image of yourself towards students. Students always remember the first course and its quality that you offered them. So my best advice is you take your time. Don't rush. Read/watch from course previews and CLPs what other courses from same category as yours are offering. Give it your the best!!
Hope it helps.
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Thanks Mark.
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Thanks Sharon, its very helpful!
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Hello hello, I just wanted to bump this thread and remind anyone who would like to ask questions to our amazing champions that this post will be here through the entire month of November.
Is there something you would like to know about their experience on Udemy? Are you looking for tips on how to prepare for Black Friday? Would you like advice about your course? Or simply looking for inspiration? Ask away!
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How do you guys handle Educational Emails? Sharon, you said you gave the contests´ details in these Educational Emails. But is that all? Do you create Article like Emails or promote YouTube videos? What are a few different ways that you guys use those type of emails? Thanks!
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Hi @SoyMarketer
my educational announcements are filled with practical tips about integrating shamanism into their daily lives. I change the format to keep it fresh - for example using bullet points ie 5 quick tips to manifest your dreams or story form - how I manifest or work with xyz. Quick wins for them, I try to truly teach them something so they will continue to be inspired and buy from me.I like to have fun and let that shine through
One of my students describes them as a 'goodie bag'.
I always link to a YT relevant video. Plus there is a link to Instagram and my website which is filled with freebies they can access.
At the end, after signing off I add a screenshot of the top reviews with their surname blanked out to encourage more reviews.
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Wow! Thank you for all these tips, I will keep them saved and will follow them.
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Thanks for your valuable advice.
I just published a second course on Udemy on 11/2 just in time for Nov. The first course now has about 3000 students, so I am planning to send Promotional messages twice a month (1st and 15th) for next 6 months so they can buy at lowest cost. I have also added link to other course in my bonus section.
Do you think sending promotional messages twice a month will be too much ? Are there other ways I can get the students of my first course to look at the second course ?
- Viraj
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Thanks so much for participating in this thread!I looked at your extensive arsenal of courses and books. You cover a very broad selection of cutting-edge technology topics. So here's my question, that I don't think I've ever seen addressed before: As a full-time instructor / author, how do you stay current on all these technologies to keep your existing courses updated and continue to launch new ones? Do you set aside X number of hours per day / per week to learning new things? Do you have an endless list of personal projects to learn from? Seems like staying up to date would be very challenging. Thanks for any insights.
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Hi @VirajShetty265
congratulations on publishing your second course.Personally, I send one promo out saying 5 days only and follow it up with 48 hours left - get in quick. Scarcity has worked out far better for me than 2 x 5 sales. There is a good influx on day one however when I send the follow-up - those last two days do really well. It also gives me the opportunity to change the message if the first one did not fire.
My tribe no there will be no other offers from me until next month.
2: I am assuming the second course is related to the first so they will naturally flow. It then gets down to messaging why/how this course should be purchased. Try some leading questions for example in XY course we developed a framework for -------- however when you take XYZ course we will be closing the loop and you be able to -------- Thus you are solving their problems and further educating them as to WHY they need this course... oh and should complete the first one.
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- Thanks! Those are good points. My second course is related to the first as you mentioned and I definitely should have a good marketing message to tie those together. I will try your approach and see if "48 hr. left message" works for me better.1 -
Hi @SharonRamel & @MarkLassoff
These are all very great tips. I have a question. When my Course went live 28 days ago, Udemy sent me an e-mail challenge to procure 25 Students within 30 days of being live in order to boost my Instructor Status. I met my quota and got promoted to Highest Rated. Very exciting. Can you please elaborate on the logistics of earning a Best Seller status with my new course?
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Congratulations of getting published and receiving the Highest Rated tag.
I have three best-sellers @PainDocPenny
They are genuinely the most popular and most purchased courses in either their main or sub-category listing:- Spirituality - All Levels - Spiritual Shamanic Healing Initiation Into The Munay Ki
- Shamanism - Intermediate - Shamanic Witchcraft Healing On The 13 Moon Guided Pathway
- Witchcraft - All Levels - How To Become A Magical Spiritual Witchcraft Masterclass
Don't forget to take a screenshot of the "Highest Rated" tag and use is to promote your course on whatever social media channels you are using to expand your following.
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It must have something to do with the RATE of sales, vs total sales. My course has been tagged as "Bestseller" and it's been up for less than 3 months. My guess is "Bestseller" means fastest selling course in its category.1 -
Thank you, Stan! That sounds logical and likely.