Help Needed

Hello Everyone,
I'm Siddharth Bhintade. I have been using Udemy learning from last 2-3 years. I want to create a course, related to Museum studies and management, as there is no such course available on Udemy. I would like to have some suggestions regarding this topic and I'm also open for collaboration, if you have any ideas regarding the content of this course. I'm really looking forward to share my knowledge, and I will require your help. Waiting for replies, Thank you.
Hi @SiddharthBhintade
How interesting would a course on that topic be! I suggest visiting our Marketplace Insights tool. This is a searchable page on your instructor dashboard that shows you data on student demand, search volume, and revenue for a particular topic.
Also, feel free to use the search bar option to find a discussion on any topic of your interest.
FernandaCommunity Moderator