January - Ask a Champion Thread!

Happy New Year Instructors!
It’s time for our monthly “Ask a Champion” discussion thread, where you get to ask our Community Champions all of your burning questions about building successful courses!
This month, our thread is hosted by @Joshua George
and @DiogoAlvesd487
Our Champions are ready, willing & able to answer any questions you might have about being a Udemy Instructor.
What questions do you have for Joshua & Diogo?
Super ready! Ask as many questions as you want
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Hello, Good day!
I am in process of creating my 1st course on Udemy. I would like to know how do you do SEO for your lectures and main topics? I'm taking help from Google keywords and Youtube titles. Is it right to do so?
Are there any other ways I must consider also
Sohaib A
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Hi @Sohaib Amjad
!I am far from an SEO expert, but I will share my approach. The principle is to include some lectures and sections in the way people search on Udemy. For instance, in my area, people often search based on algorithms' names, and thus I try to include the names of algorithms in the lectures and sections. Of course, I also include these keywords in the Landing Page, both in the text and subtitles.
When people search for something, Udemy has a recommender algorithm that always puts on top what is most likely to sell. Hence, you need to put yourself in the perspective of the algorithm and ask yourself: what makes the course sell? Most of it comes from the number of ratings and average rating, so I would put an extra emphasis on that.
Good luck with the course launch! Make sure you get ratings as fast as possible and drive your course up the ranking!
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Thank you so much for your detailed answer. I am happy, I'm in the right direction.
Also, your last sentence looks very important. I would like to ask, How do you set a target (number of star ratings) for a new course? Like, 1st week or 2nd week you set a specific number of ratings to get a successful launch.
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Sure, happy to help
Keep in mind that you need students to get reviews. On average, 1 out of 5 paid students leaves a written review. That decreases massively with free students. Also, if you opt to have free vouchers, note that they generally leave lower ratings, so put extra focus on the first 15 minutes of the course.
Bear in mind that your first course will be your worst course and that this is a marathon, not a sprint, so don't give up!
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Thank you @DiogoAlvesd487
for your wise instructions. I'll surely keep them in mind.Gladly meeting you
Good day! 0 -
Here and waiting for your questions
Fire away! 0