Error: "Response does not include the base64 encoded policy!" Bulk Upload

When I am uploading practice tests csv file for my Udemy course, I get the error "Response does not include the base64 encoded policy!".

I followed the instructions and downloaded Udemy's Practice Test Question Template, and tried it both:

1.Uploading the file as it is(without changing anything.) (still got this error "Response......"

2.Uploading after adding my questions, still get the same error "Response...."

Anyone had the same issue and how did you fix that?

Thank you in advance.



  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @DjibrilKwel749 I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing issues while submitting your practice test. Please send an email with the file attached to they will be able to provide you more details.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Yes! I'm having the the same problem here.

    I've already tested to upload in Chrome (even in incognito window) and Firefox and still got the same error.

    And I tested with a .csv that I've already uploaded a few months ago and I'm receiving the same error message.

  • I am having the same problem. It tried different browsers. It is still not working at all.

  • Hi I am getting the same error till awaiting reply from udemy..

    Pls share if any resolution.


  • Mafer R
    Mafer R Posts: 560 researcher rank

    Hi Instructors, thank you for reporting this Our team is already looking into this, please reach out to so the team can keep you posted on any updates.

    Fernanda Rivera

    Community Moderator

  • I am having the same problem too. Please someone share a solution for this issue as soon as you/they find it. Thanks

  • Hi, I am getting the same error while uploading CSV files please share if any resolution is found.

    (it shows - Response does not include the base64 encoded policy! )

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @SecbayInc.093 and Everyone. The error you are receiving can be linked to several different causes, but we suggest checking a few things:

    1. You should check if you're behind a firewall that is limiting what info can be sent and received. Some Firewalls may prevent you from sending/receiving data without our service being whitelisted.

    2. Also, in some cases, your machine's time zone may not be set up correctly--this can throw a lot of things off, strangely enough, so we'd suggest making sure your computer's time zone matches your local one.

    If after reviewing these items the issue persists, I'd ask that you please an email to with the following information:

    • A screenshot of the JS console

    • A copy of the CSV file you are attempting to upload

    • The name of the course you are attempting this on

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

    • I did what you said. There is no response until now. There was no issue before. why we are having it now?

    • Already sent all screen shots till issue not resolved

    • ElianaC
      ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

      Hi @ArthurLarse907, thank you for submitting a ticket to Instructor Support with the required information. Our team is currently receiving a significantly higher volume of support tickets than normal, and as a result, responses from our team have been delayed. Don't worry you'll hear from them.

      I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

    • Hi I am getting the same error, give priority to the case , it seems to be a general problem , many people have the same issue

    • Bella
      Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

      Hi @Arcaan02, thank you for letting us know you are also having this issue. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this is causing. I can assure you that our team is doing their very best to get this resolved ASAP.

      If you haven't yet, could you please reach out to our Instructor Support team just so they can add you to the list of users who are experiencing this issue and provide an update once it is fixed?

      Thank you for your patience and collaboration.

      Bella Almeida

      Udemy Community

    • I am going through this thread and sadly I am also one of those affected. I'll be sending a mail to as suggested and hope to get a fix soon.

    • Do we have a solution / workaround? I have written to support team. This issue exists even while trying to upload "Udemy's Practice Test Question Template".

      Thanks in advance.

    • ElianaC
      ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

      Hi @JM24031977 I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. The report has been made to our specialist; however, we don't have a deadline when this will be fixed. There is a workaround and it might take a bit more of you time to upload the questions, but we have seen this has helped other instructors. We know is not ideal, but you can try to upload the questions one by one or use a Mac using chrome.

      Thanks for your understanding.



    • Hi @ElianaC
      , Thanks for the message.

      Happy to share that I am able to do a work around. I have successsfully uploaded csv file from chrome browser in my android (v 11) phone. This worked for me.

      Note, this is not an official solution, I am just sharing my experience if it helps.



    • ElianaC
      ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

      @Let's Sprint I'm glad to hear you were able to use a workaround to upload it, thanks for your understanding and support.

      Eliana Cerna

      Udemy Community Moderator

    • This looks like a recent one. I am developing a course but unable to upload any further. In touch with Instructor support and its going to be couple weeks. I even sent hints. The Fine Signing having issues - most likely the JS script returning Json result which is interpreted incorrectly. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

    • Eliana - btw all you suggested has been tried or sent - s/s showing error; different browsers; confirming time zone is good.

    • Yes work-around by a gentleman is good - can upload from your phone. For now others please use.

    • Hi, I had a similar problem earlier today, I got very frustrated. I decided to shut down everything. So I closed the CVS file and just before I logged off of udemy, I tried again and this time round it uploaded.

      I guess you have to have the CVS file closed first on your machine before it can upload.

      Hope this helps.

    • Bella
      Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

      I'm sorry to hear about this, @BenterAdede, I totally understand how this can be frustrating. Our team is still working on a fix and we'll be getting back to the community with more information as soon as we have an update.

      Thanks for sharing your solution with us!

      Bella Almeida

      Udemy Community

    • Bella
      Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

      Hi everyone, just wanted to provide an update that this issue has been resolved last week. If you encounter any further problems, feel free to contact the Instructor Support team.

      Thank you!

      Bella Almeida

      Udemy Community

    • Bamba
      Bamba Posts: 1 observer rank

      I have this issue right now when I try to upload course image. I tried different browsers.

      "Response does not include the base64 encoded policy!"

    • Mario F.
      Mario F. Posts: 46 Udemy rank

      Hi @Bamba,

      I'm sorry to hear you are having issues uploading your course image.

      Thanks for reporting this issue we recommend to please contact our Instructor Support team by clicking "Contact Us" on the right to be added to the list of users experiencing this issue and receive updates once it is resolved.

      We appreciate your understanding and collaboration.

      Best Regards,

    • Vlada
      Vlada Posts: 1 observer rank

      Hey @Mario F.

      I am having the same problem too.

      "Response does not include the base64 encoded policy!"

      Please someone share a solution for this issue as soon as you/they find it. Thanks

    • Bessy
      Bessy Posts: 1,055 Udemy rank

      Hi everyone!

      We're aware of the issue and are happy to share that it has already been resolved. We truly appreciate your understanding and patience as we worked on this.

      If you experience any further issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out, and we apologize for any trouble caused.