How do I go up in ranking to a level 3 seller?

Hi I have a number of courses on Udemy. My first one I created in September 2019. I must admit this course was not a main focus of my business and I didnt focus enough to look at this part of Udemy. Recently I have created 5 new courses, and I have focused more on how to make Udemy a more integral part of my business. I see some instructors are level 2 or 3. How do I go up in ranking to a higher level? Some forums I can not comment on, when will I be allowed to do so?

Can students see the new instructor label?


  • Thanks for your reply.

    1. There are some posts that I can't reply to. Does that make sense?

    2. Does my ranking show for my students or only the instructors?

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Are you talking about the "Top Liked Authors" ranking? That's only visible on the instructor community page; students won't ever see that. So don't worry about that at all.

    What's an example of a forum you can't comment on? Apart from a few closed "user groups", or threads where a moderator disabled commenting because the discussion was going in a bad direction, you should have access to pretty much everything here as a published instructor.

  • I can't remember which tab I was on. I am still finding my way around. Thanks for your prompt assistance.

  • Hello sister i am new and i need a instructor so please give me a guidens of your

  • Hey

    When you participate in this community and give like to instructor post and answer to the instructor then you automatically go to the next level.