Business Partnership form

Dear Bella,

Please l want the form of the Business partnership application, l want to apply for UFB.




  • There is no UfB application process. As long as you are opted in in your instructor dashboard, your courses will be considered if they meet the criteria and are in demand.

    You have no other control over whether they are included or not.

  • l have seen a form like that on this platform before, hope to get answer from the moderator.

  • Nah, there’s never been an application form. You used to be able to recommend your own courses for UfB, but that stopped a year or two ago.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @EricYeboah294, thank you for asking about this and for your interest in the Udemy Business program!

    As Thomas mentioned, currently, there is no application form or process. Instructors who are opted into the Udemy Business program will have their courses considered for the Udemy Business collection based on a number of criteria. Our curation team will then email instructors when their courses are added/included.

    Meanwhile, you can learn more about the type of topics that the content team is prioritizing for their business audience by clicking this link.

    Should you have any questions about this, please let me know. I will be happy to help.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community