0% Conversion Rate in the first Month

A month ago I launched my first course which took me 18 months to create. I created a visually appealing course image, made a very cinematic promotional video, marked to about 500k people interested in the topic on social media and created a 70% off promotion.
Yet even after 80 visits to my landing page, I have a 0% conversion. The course contains about 6,5 hours of video lessons, 55 high quality workbooks plus additional materials and is very reasonably priced.
Yet it seems that for some reason it just won't sell. Any suggestions would be great, as I want to create more courses, but it would be a terrible waste of time if I get nothing in return.
Hi @GideonCduToit
I would love to see what other instructors will respond but for now, I'm happy to provide some resources about marketing strategies that can help you promote your course and reach more students:- Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing
- How you can market your course
- Improve your course’s search results
- Establish your credibility with reviews
- Make the most of coupons and referrals
- Engage with your learners
Check out this link here to access the Marketing section of our Teaching Center, which has extensive tips and information on how to effectively market and promote your course.
Don't get discouraged, you've come a long way and we are here to help in the best way we can!Fernanda Rivera
Community Moderator
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Hi @GideonCduToit
,I feel your pain. I cant even give my course away. I chose a unique topic, spent years refining the methods before writing the course... and nothing. A few close friends and family have singed up but nobody else. I'm also beginning to feel like I've wasted weeks of my life on this. I was in the process of creating my 2nd course but have abandoned it. I suspect (just my opinion) that people are inflating their numbers artificially by using "click farms" or by some other unscrupulous means. I've been contacted by people offering thousands of students for a few dollars but I don't want to support or be involved with these people. The mass volume of courses available is so great that most new courses are just lost under the pile. Sorry I don't have anything encouraging to say. We might have better odds playing the lottery. Maybe it takes months or years to gain traction... who knows...
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Have to question why you only got 80 visits to your landing page. I would focus on getting higher engagement for your marketing efforts.
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One resource I highly recommend checking out is the webinar we just did with Katie Bent. There is a LOT of valuable information in it on how to optimize your course at every stage.1 -
Sometimes, it takes several weeks for the first enrollment. At whrn you're not promoting the course. And, also, in my case...
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You said that you 'showed' the course to 500k people in social media and only 80 of them visited the landing page? 80 out of 500k is a very small number. This audience of 500k are people interested in the subject?
Maybe people are not looking for this topic in udemy, that's also a possibility0 -
Hey buddy, I just started as well. I have 22 students and 12 reviews in my first two weeks. This is not to brag at all. I read ALL THE EMAILS Udemy sent about getting sales. I also asked this community message board.This is the most important email I got from Udemy.
Get just a few friends, family, and advisors to take a look at your course, leave an honest review, and your course will generate more "buzz" in the algorithm. Then other users will see the good reviews and start to buy.
Just my 2 cents starting out...
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You courses is well organized and I can see lots of effects in making. I am not expert in this subject, how ever it looks an interesting subject for everyone. One main problem I found is your course title. May be need to think better title for a common user, who is not knowing the technically of the subject. I seen above you got many resources, you will find more knowledge on how to select your title. It is important and should be something where users will searching for.0 -
Hi @GideonCduToit
,Well done on the course. I loved the intro video and the free preview lectures. This is definitely a top notch work. I will definitely buy your course as I love this topic.
A few points to note though:
1. I did not understand what your course is about until I spent time watching the entire promo video. But once I watched it, I got the point. So, I'm calling out that the course title and subtitle needs to be comprehensive.
2. You will have competition in this segment. But since your course quality is good, over a period of time, your course will beat competition. So you will need to be patient until the Udemy algorithm figures out who is the right audience for your course. Even after that, it will take time and your efforts to bring your course to the top position.
3. This is your first course and you are probably starting with no audience. So, kindly do not expect chart busting results right away. I had less than $10 in revenue for first two months and the third month was no sale. If you are looking for quick gains, you are bound to get disappointed (unless you have your own audience). But if you are keen to make it big on Udemy, which you definitely can, you have to be patient and think long term.
I feel sad that many people on similar posts start procrastinating. Every business has its law of the land. To succeed we must know the law of the land in and out. My question to all new instructors is you done everything to release the course, but have you invested the time and energy to learn what to do after releasing the course? The resources shared by the moderation team are excellent and we must use those to learn the law of the land.
Also, in most cases, new instructors are mesmerized by success stories and expect that Udemy had a magic wand. I have been on the platform since 2016. And I will categorically state that the magic wand doesn't exist. Just like any other business, being successful on Udemy requires immense amount of work, patience, positive attitude, and every other entrepreneurial skill. We may feel dejected, demotivated, negative thoughts may seep in, but that's where your grit and determination should remain strong.
Coming back to your course. Your course content is well presented. But that's what is inside. The question you need to ponder about is how to make the outside look beautiful and irresistible so people will be forced to click on your course and peep at your content? I will leave you at that, my friend
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Knowing zero about your topic or the outcomes you're hoping your learners will achieve, I'll share just one quick reaction. I think 6.5 hours of instruction, in addition to activities or assignments, is a very large commitment for learners in a busy world. I signed up for a couple of courses before beginning my own (as yet unpublished) course, and anything over 2.5 hours felt like too much for me right now.
I'm sure not everyone would agree, and I know you've spent hours and hours on your content, so do with my feedback what you will.0 -
Ironically, I thought 6.5 hours sounded like too little. I study 2+ hours at a time, several days a week, almost year round, on various skillsets I need
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I don't think it is... specially for courses that are sold by U$9.99/EUR9.99/BRL 22.90
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I think your problem is you don't have a hungry audience. Read $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No.
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I am not an authority in this subejct, but I have released my first course in march and it is selling well, so I will give my sugestions for you to discover the reason of the low conversion rate of your course.
You said that your promo video has a cinematic apeal. Maybe you should try the opposite, because maybe people are not looking for a cinematic promo video, but a more direct video that tells clearly what they will learn in your course, who you, the instructor, are, and for which people your course is good.
I suggest you to read the article "the perfect promo guide" from udemy. It can be a good starting point to rethink your promo video.
Another thing to do is to give a look at the udemy marketplace insights and discover the demand for your topic, and who are the competitors. Looking at the average conversion rate on this topic is a good ideia too.
Finally, I do not think you should wait much months for your course to get traction. Rather than this, you are probably right to think that something is wrong, and you are doing the right thing looking for answers.