
Hello, i have a question, this website provide Us 100% Copyright free video course and resale everywhere. So can i sale this website courses on udemy. please guide me


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,646 Udemy rank

    Hi @MuhammadHas135 for any specific questions on what's allowed and what isn't on the platform, I suggest you reach out to The Trust & Safety team will be happy to answer your questions!

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Hi Muhammad

    In addition to the policy question, I would also see if the courses are of good quality, and can compete with other courses on Udemy. The courses seemed very short, general and not the high quality courses currently being sold by instructors on Udemy. So I don't think uploading they will be worth it.

  • Make your own course.

  • @MuhammadHas135
    The short answer to your question is "NO." When you post a course on Udemy it must be your own course, developed by you as the author/instructor, not something you have copied from somewhere else. Can you imagine what a mess Udemy would be if people were copying courses by other people and uploading them? It would completely ruin this platform.

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    Amazingly I could not find a policy prohibiting this. If you have permission from a copyright standpoint I don't think anything is stopping him. My gut reaction, like yours, is that it is still all sorts of wrong.

  • It should be prohibited by common sense.

  • I couldn't agree more!

  • Besides the policy, instructors should also check the laws relating to copyrights in the US. Laws override company policy.

    But don't worry, if it happens, the lawsuit should go to Udemy first before individuals.

  • mustafask
    mustafask Posts: 15 traveler rank

    First of all, as a Udemy course instructor, I must say that the courses I have prepared for Udemy are of high quality. I spent a lot of time on this. I mentioned even the smallest detail. If copied courses that are now royalty-free are published on Udemy, it would be a serious quality and trust issue for Udemy. Please prepare original publications.

    Mustafa S. Keser
