We all know Udemy can change lives financially and there is a lot of focus on a number of students and income. What isn't discussed often is how Udemy provides is a platform to get a "name" in the world and become better known in your field. Adding "best selling instructor" or "taught 50,000 students worldwide" can open up some doors outside of Udemy.
I have been on a handful of podcasts, have done speaking engagements, and even have a book deal from a publisher who found me on Udemy, her first e-mail called me an "expert" in my field. I have been asked to create specific courses for a large mental health organization, write for websites with five million+ monthly visitors, and many more that keep me motivated to keep creating courses and engaging with students.
What opportunities has Udemy given you?
I received an inquiry if I offer live training to one of the biggest auditor firm in Japan. (I do Udemy as side hustle and in Japan, side hustling is becoming popular, but this is not something you openly want to brag) I don't do live, so I turned it down. Even so, I felt good to receive such an offer.
Other than providing me an opportunity for a second career, and helping me discover that I immensely enjoy creating online Courses ... none at all
Frankly, not many people here have heard of Udemy ... and my Corporate Career earned me a lot more fame and fortune ! But those are not big priorities for me in my second career.
I earn OK, definitely not as much as what I made during my Corporate Career, but I enjoy the flexibility, and the opportunity to learn and do totally new things at 50 !
A university student came to my LinkedIn profile asking me if I could provide promotional coupons of my courses for students of Chemical Engineering
The opportunity to be with my children during the summer holidays.
I can’t think of a better opportunity.