I'm Phil Ebiner. I'm a long-time Udemy instructor - been here since 2012. And I'm excited to be a part of this community. Please feel free to ask me any questions!
Since 2012, I've made over $1.5 million from Udemy. And I don't say that to brag, but to show you what a normal guy like me can do... someone who started like many of you without an audience, experience teaching, experience selling, email list, website... nothing.
It has taken a lot of hard work and time to do this, but I believe you can achieve your goals if you have the right mindset and put in the right amount of effort!
I love Udemy, and hope to help you out on this amazing platform!
Hi Phil,
very inspiring, what kind of courses you are doing
I just joined Udemy I am an Artist and art instructor for many years I want to start a cours but don’t know how .
can you guide me to start
how many hours should a cours be is it like continued courses ,
should a cours or a project be finished in one course and continue doing another project ?
Thank you
I teach creative skills like photography, photo editing, video editing, motion graphics.
Great question about how long a course should be. I always say that they should be 'as long as it takes to teach the topic.' I wouldn't focus on just simply trying to reach a certain length of course... just focus on teaching a topic in an efficient and easy-to-digest manner. You don't want to drag on and on about a topic. On the flip side, I've seen longer courses do better on Udemy. So adding additional topics/content, and making the course comprehensive enough to be 5+ hours is generally my rule of thumb.
In terms of finishing the course - do it! Just get the course done and launched!
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