Four essential tips for increase your chances of success on Udemy...
I see a lot of people asking, "Why didn’t my course succeed on Udemy?" Honestly, though, this question often comes too late for us to help them because they have already filmed and published a course. They have spent countless hours and effort to build this course, and they are discouraged because it didn't get a bunch of…
How can I market my course?
Some version of this question is one of the most common by instructors so I thought I would write this, which is a summary of advice from many experienced instructors. I have compiled a list of things you can or should do to market your course. None of these are short term or an instant path to riches. But, they are things…
I spent $4,631.86 on Google Ads [Here's what I learned]
Lots of instructors wonder whether it's viable to spend money running ads for their courses. So, I got my wallet out and spent $4,631.86 on Google Ads, so you don’t have to. Before we get into the context of this post, let me give everyone some background on what I do for a living. I run a dedicated SEO Agency in London,…
How to get rid of environment noise when recording myself?
Hello, I am working on my future first Udemy course and I am facing a problem when recording my voice simultaneously with my screen. I am using a Blue Yeti micro which is very performant at capturing sounds and a video recorder and editing software called Free Cam 8. Since I don't have any 100% isolated room within my…
Instructor Tips: Shortcuts for Camtasia
Hi guys, I thought it could be useful to publish a list of shortcuts by keyboard for moving inside the Camtasia different panels, so here it is: Media Bin is the panel where all files used in your project are showed... to view that you'll use the "B" key in your keyboard Library panel has all the intros and music... the…
Picking video-editing software
Hi All, By the time I started my Udemy journey I had already been making video content for many years and was using video editing software which was affordable but also had plenty of functions (VideoStudio X6). When I started on Udemy I realised I needed something different. My sound quality from my camcorder wasn’t…
English courses by non native English speakers
Many of us including myself create English courses even though English is not our first language. Even though I lived in Canada for 10 years and no one complained about my accent, I was surprised to see the negative feedback from my udemy students that my accent is really bad. Turns out that I had a hard accent and Canada…
A student said they didn’t like my delivery. What do I do?
I've gotten this comment many times myself, so you may be wondering, what should I do? First, you have to decide if the delivery was really a problem or if it is just this student. I have had students tell me that I talk too fast, and others say I talk too slow. Obviously, I can’t make both of these groups of students…
How I improved my green screen setup with some easy steps
I have been trying to take my green screen game to the next level for a while and last night I found the ultimate guide so I thought I would share it. If you are having issues getting good effects with your green screen, take a look at this video (it is not mine). If you think your green screen is really good, I'm sure…
A/V Solutions: Drawing on a screen
Hi everybody, I'm wondering how I could go about recording my screen (a regular screencast) and then with a tablet or something how I could draw on the screen with a stylus? And then when I'm done I could clear my doodles and return back to regular screencasting again. I actually have no idea what that's called, but if…