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Incorrect income computation

Hi, Need help. I tried to reach out to Udemy support center to clarify one of my referrals were treated as Udemy promotion but no response now for 3 weeks? For an Udemy promotion, the floor rate was $9.99 but was sold below this rate against the policy!!! I don't know what's going on but is there an... View more

Low payment

Could you please clarify how this payment was calculated? I received a payment of $1.66, but based on the Udemy promotion that prices all courses at $12, I was expecting to receive $5, which is 37% of the promotional price. I understand that this is a small amount, but it is still important to under... View more

AhmadElhajjar_0-1678133963839.png AhmadElhajjar_1-1678133993431.png

What are your top tips and best practices for reducing background noise?

Hey there, instructors!    Let's talk about a common challenge we all face: background noise in our course audio. It's often the unwelcome guest that can distract learners and diminish the quality of our content. While we can't always control external noise, we do have power over our recording envi... View more

What is the most important tool in your AV setup?

Hey there!   As you continue your journey as an online instructor, there are many tools you will accumulate. With some tools, you may think “How did I ever get by without it?”.   We’d love to hear about those specific tools you couldn’t live without, so here’s our question:   What is the most import... View more

How do you set up your camera settings?

Hey instructors!    Let's delve into another crucial aspect of online teaching: camera settings. Getting the right camera setup can make a world of difference in the quality of our videos, but sometimes figuring out the optimal settings can be a bit tricky.   So, I'm reaching out to all of you for s... View more

Studio U
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