Currency conversion problem

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Currency conversion problem

I have observed that there is an issue with currency conversion during transactions. For instance, when I shared a coupon link that I created for a course priced at $20, a student used the coupon and paid ₹699, which is approximately $8.5, instead of the intended amount of $20. Can you explain why this happened?

5 Replies

I had a similar problem, student bought using my coupon which should be 30$ I got 15$ minus tax almost 1/3rd the intended price!

So we can say that this issue is significant and necessitates the attention of Udemy's management?

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @Ahmad.Elhajjar & @ZiadFrancis Udemy currently offers students the ability to buy courses in many different currencies. A list of the currencies we currently support can be viewed here. Prices are set based on IP location. On the Udemy site, the conversion rate for the amount your course is offered in other currencies is determined by Udemy's price tier system. For more information on this system, as well as our up-to-date price tier matrix, see this link. If you will like to have more details about each sale, I'll recommend you to send an email to Instructor Support team - they'll be happy to assist you. 


Eliana Cerna

Udemy Community Moderator 


Thank you, it makes sense now, the numbers fit in place.

Definitely needs an answer from Udemy, I am new to Udemy and these issues are shocking, I don't know if it's a regular thing but now I must keep an eye on each sale I make.

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