Highest-rated in my category but still not ranking

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Highest-rated in my category but still not ranking

Hi there

Really excited to say I have launched my first Udemy course! https://www.udemy.com/the-ultimate-public-relations-masterclass/

It's had 130 enrolments already and even though it is the highest rated in its category, it still isn't ranking first - it's just at the bottom of page 1! Any ideas? 

Thanks so much!

1 Reply

Hi @TopLineFounder, congratulations on publishing your first course! The Highest Rated badge calls out to students that this particular course has highest course rating within a particular Topic-Category combination (e.g., Python - Development, Python - Business, Yoga - Personal Development, Yoga - Health & Fitness). Additionally, there're other contributing factors that go into earning each badge. You can check them out here. If you still feel this doesn't address your question, be sure to reach out instructorsupport@udemy.com and the team will gladly provide further details.


That said, would you mind removing the course link from your post? We're very careful to keep the community free of any type of course promotions. Thanks! 🙂

Abbie Reyes
Udemy Community Team
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