Introduce Yourself!

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Community Manager

Introduce Yourself!


Hi there!


Welcome aboard, our community is excited to have you here! We'd love to get to know you better, so here's a place for you to introduce yourself (if you’d like) and meet other members as they join.


Some questions you may answer to get your thoughts flowing:


  • Who are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • What is your teaching area?
  • Why did you join the Instructor Community?
  • Tell us a fun fact about yourself!


Good to know:



413 Replies

Hey Everyone,


My name is James McGregor from Australia.


I have just joined Udemy as an instructor (although I have been a student for many years) with my first course published today.  My teaching area is about combining Behavourial Science with Marketing and Communication skills to help people get better at solving important environmental and social challenges like climate change, poverty, waste etc. 


Fun fact - I am actually an electrical engineer but started working with some of the top behavioural scientists in the world trying to figure out how to best get people to take action on things like climate change and this led to me creating an award winning TV show about sustainable homes.  So these days I am also a part time TV producer!


Look forward to learning more about all of you and taking some of your courses.

Hi all!

I am Vidya from India. I am a final year PhD scholar working in the area of bioreactor design for biotechnological applications. I would like to teach in the same area. I joined the instructor community to meet like minded people. 

I am very excited about this teaching journey!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Happy Friday, @Vidzz22

Welcome to the community. You are definitely at the right place if you want to meet like-minded people 😊

I wish you all the best for your final year!🙌 Please keep us updated if there is anything we can help you with to start your instructor journey on Udemy. 




Welcome to the community of instructor's. Wishing you best regards 

Welcome! Best of luck with your Ph.D.

Thanks a lot! Sure. 

My name is Okan from Turkey. My teaching area is: C++, Game development, Unreal engine, Sculpting and Modeling on Blander, Animation, VFX, and Microsoft technologies. I joined because i want to share my knowledge.  I love music, programing and 3d arts.


   Welcome. Your course sounds very interesting. I love to watch Turkish soaps and movies on uTube. I love the Turkish culture.

Welcome Mr. Okan !

Welcome @OkanAkyuz ! 

Great to know about your skills. Your courses will be great addition to udemy I am sure.

  • Your name My name is Azamat.
  • Where you're from I live near Paris, France since 2022. Previously, I lived in Russia and Egypt.
  • What you teach I'm sharing my experience in sales management.
  • Something fun about you! I was making fire and extreme shows in Egypt, when I was 18-20yo.
    Learning French and hope to publish training in French once.
    Wrote several books with AI support under nickname Alex Ishikawa, which was created by AI(available on Amazon) 🙂
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @azamk


Welcome to the community, and thank you for telling a bit about yourself 😊

Please do not hesitate to open a conversation if you have questions about teaching on Udemy. 


I wish you a happy weekend ahead! 

Hi all! Here I am, Elisabeth in Germany. I'm an aroma care enthusiast with 7+ years of active practice, and I'm excited about exploring Udemy as a new platform to create and share about the power of scent and marketing. Looking forward to the journey!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hallo @elisabethwolf,


Herzlich willkommen in der Udemy Community!😊


How exciting that you plan to publish a course on Udemy. Did you know that we also have a German instructor community? 


You can access it here


Please do not hesitate to start a conversation if you have any questions. 

Yes thank you MarinaT! I work & live in both languages, so when deciding where to publish on Udemy, I chose English to hopefully reach more potential student. Have a grand day

Hey Everyone,

  • Who are you?

    My name is Armin and I'm a Software Engineer, specializing mostly in frontend development. I'm just in love with React
  • Where are you from?

    I'm from Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is a famous film festival going on here every fall, so you might've heard about it before! 😄
  • What is your teaching area?

    My first courses used to vary a lot, because I started teaching on Udemy way before I managed to really specialize in one field. I had computer networks, mobile game development, database management, react native courses, but now I've switched my focus to web development courses... mostly Next.js, for now. In fact I just returned to Udemy this month after being inactive for quite some time.
  • Why did you join the Instructor Community?
    I actually joined the Instructor Community all the way back in the day when it was still a facebook group. Mostly I like the posts of people posting about reaching their Udemy milestones.
  • Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

    With my 3rd course on the way for September (still got 20 more days left!) I'm for sure the most active Udemy Instructor from Bosnia and Herzegovina 😄
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @ArminSarajlic


Welcome to the community, and we are happy to have you back on Udemy after taking

a break 😊


Please let us know if there is anything we can do in the community to support you on your course creation journey. 


Good luck with your new course!🍀


Who are you & Where are you from?

I'm Ali Shirani from Pakistan, am computer science teacher & programming instructor. Am learning and teaching programming since year 1996.


What is your teaching area?
I teach computer programming using several programming languages such as C / C++ / GO / C# / PERL / PROLOG / JAVA / PHP / PERL / HTML / Javascript and some more.


Why did you join the Instructor Community?
I love to talk to and learn from talented people. Am seeking guidance in polishing my courses further and make my content more valuable with the help / guidance of senior Instructor here.


Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I'm 46 and I still program. Sometimes am so deep in the code that I forget I was demonstrating / instructing not coding 😊 and code down whole application while instructing a small portion of a software; Developers sometimes hate this, and some lazy ones love it 😁


What else?

I also am into studying Natural Medicine systems, Mysticism, Poetry, Linguistics, and do some writing often.


Pleasure to be here ! Kind regards.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello to Pakistan, @AliShirani


I hope you are doing well 😊

Wow, I can tell you are very passionate about coding, and I wish you all the best on your teaching journey on Udemy. 


Please let us know if you have any questions!🙌

Thank you very much @MarinaT .  I will actually be needing some tutorial / guidance on creating exercises. Rest of UX is outstanding on Udemy. It is self explanatory and really easy for new instructors like me.

Best of luck with managing the forum ! 👍


Kind regards

Hi All 👋 


My name is Emily Mortlock, I am currently a full time educator, in South Africa. I have specialized in the intermediate phase of education as well as inclusion and remedial education.


I was inspired to start my own instruction after listening to the works of Kain Ramsay. He is my role model and I have thoroughly enjoyed his courses.


My aim is to demystify concepts that can otherwise be misinterpreted or miscommunicated within the education field. Ranging from topics such as inclusive education, cultural adaptation and 21st century learning, I am at inspiring and forwarding our teachers and student teachers to better their knowledge in the field of education, thereby forwarding education of the future. 


Love to see what else everyone creates 🎀

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @EmilyLMortl033


Welcome to the community, and thank you for telling us a bit about yourself 😊

Please do not hesitate to start a conversation in the community in case you have any questions. 


We are always happy to help you on your Udemy journey! 

Welcome @EmilyLMortl033 !



This is Anas. I am an Architect/Interior Designer based in Karachi, Pakistan. I teach Autodesk AutoCAD, SketchUp & Vray for the use of construction industry. 


Fun Fact: If you ever want to be silent, come sit next to me. Because I too am fluent in my silence.


Welcome Anas !

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @anasjumlana ,
Welcome to the community, and thank you for telling a bit about yourself ! 


I am glad you are part of our community I know you will bring a lot of knowledge.


Please do not hesitate to open a conversation if you have questions about teaching on Udemy.


I wish you a wonderful day 😃

Hi everyone,


I'm Clinton from Lagos, Nigeria


i'm into cyber security and solution support personnel. my courses will be focused on trending technologies in the IT space.


I'm so much happy to be part of this amazing family and i hope to get acquainted to most of you guys as time goes.


Thank you guys.

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @OwohClinton712


Welcome to the community! We are excited to have you here. 


Thank you for taking the time to talk a little bit about yourself. I wish you all the best on your teaching journey on Udemy. 


If you have questions, please feel free to open a conversation anytime. 


Hello everyone,


I am Aan Oberoi from New Delhi, India, a land of innovations and spiritualism.


My teaching area is spirituality and i am an aspiring spiritual coach.


I joined the instructor community to get more inspiration and knowledge about this great teaching platform that is Udemy. I want to explore the platform as an instructor as i am still testing waters as a spiritual coach at the beginning of my coaching career.


The fun fact about me:

  1.  My birthday is on NewYear (01/01).
  2. I am a bibliophile, logophile and a technophile.
  3. I believe that "Learning is a life long process."
  4. As a spiritualist who believes in divine order, i love yoga and meditation.



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @AanOberoi 


Welcome to the community, and thank you for telling us a bit about yourself.


Please do not hesitate to start a conversation in the community in case you have any questions. 


We are always happy to help 😊


Thanks @DavidV. for the welcome. I will definitely reach out to the community if i have any questions. Thanks to you for your support. Thanks a ton.

Welcome to the Club AanOberoi

Thanks @initambangdotcom for the welcome. I really appreciate it. Thanks a ton.

  • Wer bist du? Meine Name ist Sabine Schröder, ich bin seit 30 Jahren Mentalcoach
  • Woher kommst du? nahe bei Ulm in Deutschland
  • Was ist dein Lehrbereich?

    Als Mentalcoach und unterstütze ich Menschen dabei, eine klarere Wahrnehmung dazu zu bekommen, wie sich der einzelne erheben oder dem vermeintlichen Unglück entgegen steuern kann.


    Ist jemand am Boden zerstört, unglücklich, traurig und mutlos? Aus einem Gespräch mit mir, geht er immer mit einem erhobenen Gefühl, im besten Fall mit einem Lächeln. Situativ hilft das zuverlässig und unmittelbar. Langfristig modifiziere ich mit dem Klienten zusammen Ziele, teilte sie in Etappen ein so das sie leichter und schneller erreicht werden können. Die wichtigste Frage: Sind Deine Werte noch stimmig?


    Mein Motto lautet: nicht unter meinem Wert! Denn was tut man/in dem Fall Raum, nicht alles, um geliebt zu werden…


    Meine Klienten suchen nach mehr Liebe, Glück und Zufriedenheit in ihrem Leben. Ich unterstütze sie dabei, eine klarere Wahrnehmung dazu zu bekommen, wie sie sich erheben oder dem vermeintlichen Unglück oder Elend entgegen zu steuern. 



    Meine Klienten gehen mit einem erhobenen Gefühl aus unserem Gespräch. 

    Langfristig entwickeln  sie passendere Ziele, die sie in kürzerer Zeit leichter erreichen

    Ein neu festgelegter Werte-Rahmen wirkt wahre Wunder. 


    Ob Coaching, Beratung oder eine sinnvolle Kombination beider Methoden zur Hilfestellung zum Einsatz kommt, hängt  von der Persönlichkeit des Klienten ab.


  • Warum bist du der Instructor Community beigetreten? Den ersten Kurs fertig zu stellen, habe ich mir einfacher vorgestellt. Endlich den fertigen Kurs zu online zu stellen ist mein Ziel bis Ende Oktober.
  • Erzählen Sie uns eine lustige Tatsache über sich selbst! Irgendwie ist es schon lustig, dass gerade ich, die Menschen tagtäglich motiviert und bei der Umsetzung ihres Plans unterstützend begleitet, genau mit dieser Herausforderung hadert.

Who are you?  

Terence Regan

Where are you from?

Wisconsin, USA but am a digital nomad.

What is your teaching area?

Software, Math

Why did you join the Instructor Community?

I want to create courses, find best practices and share my mistakes in the course creation process.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I was a quarter-Finalist of the Twin Cities Funniest Person with a day job in 2019.  

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @TerenceRega778,


Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself😄 Welcome to the community we are excited to have you here! 


I wish you the best in your teaching journey here at Udemy. I know you will bring a lot of value to our community.


If you have any questions about course creation or you want to start a conversation, please do! 


David V.

Community Moderator




Hey everyone! 👋🏼 


I’m Melanie Stevens from Devon in the UK. I live in the south west part of England, not far from the coast. 

I’m a Spiritual Teacher teaching tarot card reading & working with spirit guides, shadow work and crystal healing. I’m also a Reiki Master and animal healer so my next course might be based around energy healing 💫 


I’ve been a student on Udemy since 2019 and I love what the platform has to offer students wanting metaphysical and spiritual courses. Therefore this was my number 1 option for hosting my own courses!

A fun fact about me? I started playing the piano by ear at age 6 🎹 🎶 

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MelanieStevens183,


Welcome to the community! We are excited to have you here. 


Thank you for taking the time to talk a little bit about yourself. I wish you all the best on your teaching journey on Udemy. 


If you have questions, please feel free to let us know.

Thanks so much David! 🙂

Who are you & Where are you from?

I am Imran Zakir from Pakistan.

I have extensive experience in teaching in various institutions, including the UK, Oman, and Pakistan, over the past 15 years is truly commendable. 


What is your teaching area?

My extensive experience in teaching Accounting & Finance courses add on ChatGPT and Prompt engineering  in various universities, my dedication to the field is evident, and I trust that I have gained valuable insights and knowledge during this journey. Furthermore my academic credentials, specifically holding a Master's degree in Business Accounting from The University of Notre Dame Australia, reflect my commitment to excellence in the subject matter.


Why did you join the Instructor Community?

Reason to joined the Instructor Community to contribute my expertise and experience in teaching Accounting & Finance integration with AI courses. With over 15 years of teaching at various universities, I believe I can offer valuable insights, guidance, and support to fellow instructors and students. It's an opportunity for me to share my knowledge and collaborate with other educators, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for students and furthering the field of Accounting & Finance education.


Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Certainly. One intriguing aspect of my professional journey is that I have had the privilege of teaching Accounting & Finance courses in multiple countries, including the UK, Oman, and my home country, Pakistan. This global experience has not only enriched my understanding of the subject matter but also allowed me to appreciate the diverse perspectives and approaches to financial education. It's been an enlightening and enjoyable aspect of my career to witness how different cultures influence the way students engage with the world of finance.



Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @ImranZakir72,


I want to extend a warm welcome to our community! We're thrilled to have you join us and become a part of our group.


I am sure you will bring a lot of valuable knowledge to our students and instructors. As a new member, you may have questions or need some help getting started, but don't worry, we're here to support you. 




Appreciate David.😊

Hello Udemy Community,

I'm Mohanad Jameel from Iraq, a chemist in the petroleum oil field. Having dedicated numerous hours to learning from various online platforms, especially Udemy, I believe it's now time to give back.

Chemistry isn't just my profession; it's my passion. I'm eager to share my knowledge in the most suitable way possible. To enhance my teaching techniques, I've joined this community. Looking forward to learning and growing together!


Mohanad Jameel

Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Hi @MohanadCheM315,


Thanks for sharing with us about yourself!


We are happy to have you here in the community. I wish you the best in this new journey as an instructor at Udemy.


Please feel free to start a conversation if you have any questions. 


Hello everyone,


My name is Gertrude Chombo.

I am from Kenya.

My teaching area is Leadership and Personal Development (personal productivity and time management).


I joined the Instructor Community because I believe in learning from others especially those with whom I share interests.


I love puzzles. They help me test my knowledge, sharpen my mind, be alert and learn new things e.g. new words.


I am very excited to join this community and hope to learn how to be a great instructor and exceed my students’ expectations and help other instructors learn from me.


Thank you for the opportunity to be here.




I'm J Berrie.

I just use the initial of my first name, because that keeps it simple. I'm non-binary, so other works of mine online are sometimes under name John, and sometimes Jane.

I'm going to develop courses about high-speed digital electronics, because I've written and presented a lot about it over many years.

I'm told I'm good at making complicated subjects understandable by non-experts and this seems the right place to do it.

Realistically I shall start on this properly at the beginning of 2024.

Earlier this year I did some Udemy courses on AI to increase my knowledge and it worked really well so this seems the right platform.






Hello! Well my name is Michael and i am from Fresno California but live and work in Las Vegas Nevada, I teach barehanded as well as edged weapon combatives for urban self-protection as well as the protection of others.

And what i seek to gain from my Udemy courses is a strong student base as well as a strong network of like minded instructors.


My name is Nickolai Leschov, I'm from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, originally. I chose the recent war as an invitation to raise my indignant disagreement with what my government said my long-suffering homeland should stand for (war, violence and religious obscurantism) and join the global community that I always felt a part of. Is it still illegal to call war a war there? I don't know or care. I lived in several countries since and hope to live in some more.

I love travel, computers, learning about human nature and how these things interact.

I didn't quite figure the area in which I might be most helpful, and joind this community in my (misguided?) attempts to restore my friend's rightful ability to learn on Udemy.


Good day.

 My name is Sviatoslav.


For now, I'm living on Cyprus


I'm IT Guy working as developer near 10 years, have published first course about GIT

Have posted my course at the end of December 2023


As part of my life, I have feeling that teaching it's something that I want to do as part of my life and my career.

Love to share my knowledge and experience

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello to Cyprus! 


Thank you for telling us a bit about yourself. 


You mentioned that you published your course in December last year.

How has it been going so far?😊



Feel free to initiate conversations in the community if you have any questions! 🙌


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Create a video to introduce yourself and watch other videos from instructors to get to know them. We recommend including your name, what you teach, and what you hope to learn in your video.