Telling your story

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Telling your story

It's definitely not a must you achieve success or achievement before you start to share your story. There are people who haven't reached your position but are ready, they need some sort of heads up like your stories about how you reached, react to challenges and how you've also be keeping on pushing. So! Let's here your story.

3 Replies

Already have millions stories while preparing courses on Udemy 🙂 

Well... The first course I created in two months. 

Published course.

Watched it from the beginning to the end. Then went to the electronic store, bought microphone, and re-recorded all audio one more time. 

Published course again. 

Watched it. Didn't like the video (no zooming, no animation, no interaction). Rewrote scripts. Created new video animations for lessons. Make video edit. 

Again... Published course 🙂 

That was hard course but after that it went faster 🙂 

But in short, it took me in total up to 5 month to release first course for 2 hours 🙂 ahaha But after that it went faster 🙂

I share my story...


I start Udemy as a game, published some courses in Spanish and English.

I imagined that no one would be interested in the content or that it would be basic and no one would need it.


The reality is that the public and the results continue to grow.

So I continue to learn from the top experts and I hope to inspire those who are in their first steps.


Tip: Focus on delivering value, rather than results.

Best wishes!


I share my story...


I start Udemy as a game, published some courses in Spanish and English.

I imagined that no one would be interested in the content or that it would be basic and no one would need it.


The reality is that the public and the results continue to grow.

So I continue to learn from the top experts and I hope to inspire those who are in their first steps.


Tip: Focus on delivering value, rather than results.

Best wishes!


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Stories and inspiration
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