Video Production - Greenscreen vs Bluescreen

Hi there,
Thanks for reading my post!
I was wondering if anyone has experience with using either green or blue screens when recording to change the background at a later stage.
From your experience, is there any difference between the two? Does the colour matter if green or blue when it comes to post production. If so, in what way?
Thank you for your suggestion and advice!
Hi Jelena,
it seems that there are indeed some technical advantages that made green to be more often used today than the earlier blue box technologie. As I am not an expert on this, I cannot give very precise details.
However I recommend green screen for a simple pragmatic reason. My experience is that almost all video editing software which supports chroma keying has factory presets for green. Blue may be supported too, but will require some customizations. So it is easier to use green because it is a common standard today and many video products are ready to go with green. Personally I also feel that green is easier to identify/mask in the image while blue blurs more often.