Taxonomy update: changes to subcategory classifications

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Taxonomy update: changes to subcategory classifications

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone,


As Udemy becomes home to more and more courses and students, the way we organize all your content is increasingly important. We periodically make updates to the site's "taxonomy": the way categories, subcategories, and topics are organized. These updates are made based on industry standards, trends in content creation and student behavior, and feedback from both students and instructors.


Today, we're making a batch of changes to our taxonomy. This includes the removal of the redundant "Design Thinking" subcategory within the Design category, introduction of the merged subcategory "Nutrition & Diet," and relabeling of some subcategories to improve clarity. 


We've summarized the changes and the reasons behind them in the Teaching Center. If your courses have been reclassified as part of these changes (or at any point), you'll get an email summarizing any changes. 


Having the right taxonomy for your courses helps students find the content they want more quickly, and helps us make strong recommendations that keep them coming back for more. 


If you have general questions about these changes, please feel free to ask them here. You can always request a change to your category, subcategory, or primary topics by writing to