What types of video editing software do you use?

Hey there!

During our coffee chats, we notice that a lot of questions revolve around software for creating your courses! There is a ton of different types of programs to help improve the overall quality of your courses and I’m sure that most of you have used one as an instructor.

We’d love to hear about your preference for video editing software?

What types of video editing programs do you use and how does it improve your course creation?

Share your answers in the comments section below!


  • Hey,

    For me it is super easy:

    - OBS studio - for screen capturing

    - Audacity - for audio capturing and editing

    - Sony Vegas - for video editing

    Tools above I use for each lesson.

    Also, in some courses I have animated videos, I spend a lot of time doing nice-looking videos with Adobe Premiere and Adobe AfterEffects - but I don't use these tools regularly.

