No Udemy Sales

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No Udemy Sales



Is it just me or it seems like this month there are almost no Udemy sales/discounts? I’m used to sales appearing every 2-3 days but now it seems like that is not the case. Maybe it;s just my imagination.



3 Replies

Hi @RonErez - Udemy generally runs sales every Tuesday, Wednesday and sometimes Thursday. However, the "quality" of these sales often leaves much to be desired. Sometimes I have tons of sales when a Udemy promotion is running. Other times sales are not so great. Overall I think this is consistent with Udemy gradually deemphasizing the market place.

Actually a 9 day sale began a little after I posted this question so hopefully students will purchase the courses in this 9 day period.

Hey @RonErez !


The sales depend on a lot of factors.


Firstly, at the weekend they are often the lowest in comparison to the entire week. Also when Udemy runs a promotion, we can notice a slight decrease in the sales.


What I recommend is to be patient. Probably when you don't have any sales other instructors also are struggling with this problem.


Let me know if it is helpful!


Best Regards,


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