Where is the registration interface for lecturers? I can't find it. Can you

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Where is the registration interface for lecturers? I can't find it. Can you

I am now in the lecturer community, but I can't find the interface for lecturer registration. Can you help me and tell me where to register? Thank you.

4 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @星星李422


Welcome to our community! It's fantastic to have you here. I'm sorry to hear that you're encountering difficulties with creating your instructor account.


First, you need to create an account on Udemy.com. Click on "Become an Instructor" at the top, fill out your full name, your email, and create a password. By opting into receiving our emails, you will get valuable resources and best practices sent directly to your inbox!


Here are some great resources to help you get started:


Teaching Center: find articles about teaching on Udemy – from course creation to marketing your course
Course Quality Checklist: a helpful checklist to ensure your course meets the minimum requirements
Udemy's Official “How To” Video Courses: this course covers best practices for designing an impactful learning experience and features tips from some of our top instructors. We’ll guide you through our recommended course creation process and share helpful resources to help you get started.
Teaching on Udemy: FAQ


Please let me know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help! 

Thank you for your help. I found it. I'm trying to register now. Thank you very much.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @星星李422


I'm glad to hear it worked! 😊

Please let us know if you have any questions about teaching on Udemy.


We wish you the best of success!

Thank you, your answer is very helpful to me! I'll trouble you again if there are any problems in the future.

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