Top things about me

Hi all, my name is M N S Swarup. I am very glad to have joined this community. I have been a student for a very long time on Udemy, buying so many courses in my years of work, where I have 2+ years of experience in the tutoring students on various technologies. This platform has also been an inspiration for me to become an instructor. I hope to have a wonderful journey travelling with you all.


  • Chrystie
    Chrystie Posts: 536 traveler rank

    Welcome @MNSswarup2635
    Happy to see that your learner journey has led you to become an instructor yourself! I'm curious to know what subject you intend to teach on Udemy?

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,240 Udemy rank

    Hi @MNSswarup2635

    Welcome on board, and thank you for sharing more about you!

    We love to see when students become instructors. That's so inspiring! ">

    Please let us know if you have any questions about publishing your first course on Udemy.

    ps. Have you seen our free and official Udemy courses that will help you on your instructor journey? If not, check them out here!