Why did my course get restricted if i updated the course image?

I had an email that my course image had text on it. I then updated the course image to no text and then a week later I received a msg today saying the course has been suspended until i update the image as it still contains text.
I have already updated the image so im confused now as to why its been suspended and why udemy have said the new image contains text when it doesnt? I've attached the old and new course image for reference.
Jagdeep Gill
I think "something is wrong" with the detection of text in images. I am still waiting for the approval of my new course, and I got the first image blocked even if the text was related to the logo of the tool (and this is allowed normally). Now I even removed that, and still waiting for the approval … May be there is some algorithm behind blocking this and might not be fully accurate …
Good to hear from Udemy on this.
[I sent an email to policy@udemy.com] but just got automated answers so far]
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Ah ok thank you for a response at least, feel like im going crazy not getting a response from a human about this issue! Hopefully they will respond soon because i have folk who have already purchased my course and its unfair on them if it has been suspended and are trying to study for their exam.
If it is a automated text detector then it needs to be looked at asap because its unfair this is happening even though i feel the image is within their guidelines.
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I can't really tell. Mine is not yet approved - so I can't say if in your case it is some automated bot, or a real human check.
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Hi @Jagdeep_Gill, Thanks for reporting this! I recommend to follow up with the Trust & Safety team. The team will be able to provide you with the course status update, please send an email to policy@udemy.com.
I hope this helps!
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Hi Elaine,
Thanks for getting back to me. I have emailed the Trust and Safety Team earlier today but not yet had a response. How long do you expect it takes for a response from them?
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@Jagdeep_Gill I'm glad to hear you have reached out the team. Usually you get a response as soon as you are next in the line, but the time is from 24 hours to get a response. Let's hope you get a reply in the next few hours.
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Hi Eliana it's been over 24 hours and still no response this is ridiculous, is there anyway to expedite a response?
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@Jagdeep_Gill Thank you for your understanding. As it’s the weekend, there may be a slight delay in the response from the Trust & Safety team. Please rest assured the team will get back to you once you are next. We appreciate your patience during this time.