Course creation

Hello everyone,My name is Elizabeth,am glad to be here as a budding instructor. I am a certified customer service and Telesales marketing professional and I have experiential knowledge about my profession which I love to share with students on the udemy platform. I have outlined my course curriculum except knowing how to do the recording.

Please I need your valuable support. Thank you


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hi Elizabeth, we're happy to have you on board! A good place to start is the course creation section of the Teaching Center here. There's loads of information about recording and much more! You can also make use of the search tool here in the community. I'm sure you can find valuable content about course creation by doing a quick scan.


    Hope this helps!

  • omobola_S
    omobola_S Posts: 5 researcher rank

    Thank you @Abbie
    . Sure I will. Thanks for the guidance.

  • Thanks Abbie. This truly helps.

  • Thanks Abbie. This truly helps.

    Also I like to know more about certificate of completion. I included it in my course landing page but don't know how I am going to create it. Thanks