Happy July! What is your top goal this month?

The start of a new month is a great time to look back at what you achieved last month and plan for the coming month. What's your top goal for July?


  • Hey @JocelynH

    Having just returned from Vacation my top goal is to get on with recording the course I need to release this month...... which all starts on Monday!

    I also need to update the promo video for one of my courses as the conversion rate has dropped over the last 2 months!

    Always busy :-)

  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Welcome back @GrahamNicholls
    ! Hope your vacation was reinvigorating!

    Good luck with your new course and the updated promo video :)

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,901 rolemodel rank

    Choose a new course topic, and complete its research phase.

    Also - a refreshing vacation to Northern Arizona :)

  • This month, in addition to publishing and recording content in Russian, we are actively working to create a course for an English-speaking audience! A lot of work!

  • AliciaPaz
    AliciaPaz Posts: 294 visionary rank

    Being I start another Masters program in September 🤞 for once I have a financial goal to hit this month. Sales have been going well so it's pretty realistic and kind of necessary! This is also my first ever non-content related goal as they are usually about filming or editing.