Time per lesson for a web development course


I am a new instructor on Udemy and I am just starting to make my first course online on Udemy.

My course is about web development (programming).

What will be the appropiate time (in minutes) per lesson?

Regarding the information of Udemy, a good practice is 2-6 minutes per lesson, but it also states that the programming field is an exception. I am willing to make each lesson of about 15-20 minutes long. Is this good? Or what will be the ideal or more appropiate orientative time (in minutes) per lesson in this field of programming (web development)?


Néstor Llamas Llopis


  • JocelynH
    JocelynH Posts: 1,536 traveler rank

    Hey @Anonymous
    , I think the length of your lesson will depend a lot on what you're covering. If you think you can best cover a topic in 2-6 minutes, then that's great! If you need extra time to teach a topic and provide the best learning experience for students, then do that.

    I know that's not a cut and dry answer, but I really do think it depends on your teaching style and what you're teaching. Some instructors may be really concise and finish teaching something in a couple minutes, while other instructors may include more examples and stories which would make a lesson longer. I would note that a lesson shouldn't be too long since people get distracted and may zone out.

    You can also purchase some courses from your competitors and see what they're doing. What length resonates best with you when you're watching a similar course?

  • Hello, @JocelynH

    Thanks for your answer. I already knew that what you are saying.

    But I am just asking for a web development course, if orientatively 15-20 minutes per lesson should be OK, or maybe too long? As you say, in such lesson I don't digress with the time, I don't waste time, I just go to the point explaining it well step by step, with a friendly rhythm, and covering a same topic per lesson. As the lessons deals with programming, I think 15-20 it's just a good timing for lesson.

    But I just want another opinion, to agree with me or not that 15-20 minutes are OK, or maybe too much.


    Néstor Llamas Llopis

  • In our experience in the subject of web development, lessons lasting 15-40 minutes are perfectly perceived by the audience. But again, it all depends on the topic. The main thing is to open the topic with high quality!

  • OK, thanks for your answer. Any more comments regarding the minutes, please?

  • I am having courses on web development and sometimes it goes up to 15-20 minutes. But not for each and every lesson.

    In the beginning I had many lessons with more than 10 minutes.

    But then I realized that it should be properly devided in some parts. Like do configuration part in one lesson and after that implementation part.

    Now I have very less high duration lessons. Its up to you how you manage duration of lesson without affecting quality of your course.

    I hope it helps.


  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 905 rolemodel rank

    You didn't ask this, but I'm going to provide my opinion anyways.

    It's very hard to get any success in teaching "web development". There are 4000 courses on web development. You need to be something special and unique. Maybe you already know why your course will be unique among thousands of other courses. But odds are against you.

    Maybe it will be fun for you to create a course. Great. Don't want to dissuade you from that. But you will not find very much money. Is that OK?