Promotional Video Uploaded but Preview Showing First lecture

Hello experts. My first class went live a few weeks ago. Today, I decided to make and upload a promotional video so people could view that as the first thing they see when checking out my course.

The promotional video uploaded sucessfully into the landing page set-up screen. I can see it there. However, when I go to my course informational page, the "preview course" video starts playing lecture #1 instead of playing the promotional video that I just uploaded.

Can someone kindly point me to what I am dong wrong?

Kind regards,



  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,625 Udemy rank

    Hi @Tracey276
    The preview feature as an instructor allows you to preview only the curriculum page (which is what enrolled students see (not promo video). If you will like to preview the promo video, you can preview the course from the "Course landing page" tab of the course, and on this page click on "Preview" (to see the public CLP along with promo video). If you have any questions please reach out to

    Hope this helps!

    Eliana Cerna

  • So, if I publish the course do the latest uploaded video in CLP will be shown as promo video to the students?

    Currently it is showing a demo video which I uploaded first to just check, how it works.

    Now, the problem is whenever I and seeing the preview it is showing that first demo video.

    Please guide if I can proceed for publishing the course