
Am I correct that if a student purchases a course using a coupon, the instructor keeps 97% of the price of the course? If so, why wouldn't instructors, in the introduction of their course, ask the potential student to reach out to them and ask for a coupon so the instructor keeps more of the purchase price? I don't think I've ever seen this done on any course I've purchased.


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hi @RandyMinder
    , you're right. If a student purchases a course using an instructor coupon, the instructor gets 97% of the revenue share. Coupons are allowed only in promotional emails and the Bonus Lecture. They can't be used anywhere else on the platform, because once students enter a course, they expect a safe learning environment where they will not be “sold” to. You can see this outlined in our Coupons: Rules and Guidelines support article.

    Hope this helps!

  • I don't understand the questions....why would someone even want to offer a coupon in the introduction? Wouldn't they already be in the course of they were seeing the introduction? Or is it referring to the video on the page that you see in the marketplace?