I just launched a course, with the "no coupons or promotions" button checked. It's a hgihly specialized course and I offer for $499 in person so $199 seemed way to low but I did it. I emailed everyone who was on the prelaunch and personally invited them with the link and it charged them $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in total shock and I can't get a hold of anyone at Udemy. I've unlisted my course and put a password on the sign-up. Anything else I can do? I put so much time into this and I am beyond upset. How did this happen? Any advice beyond deactivating the course?
Hi @coachalltai
The instructor support team will get back to you soon as response time depends on the volume of requests they have. In the meantime, you can unpublish the course to avoid further enrollments until your issue has been resolved.