I am trying to fill out a W-8ECI.
I am obviously having trouble with it as taxforms.udemy.com keep sending me back to the start saying my choice is uncommon and that I must contact udemy.
I have contacted instructorsupport@udemy 3 times but they just keep telling me to consult my tax advisor, which I have done, which then sends me back to the digital dead end at taxforms.udemy.com while I'm trying to fill out a W-8ECI again!
Can anyone shed some light?
Help would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Hey @TheWiringWizard
, it's expected that Form W-8ECI is not able to be submitted via the taxforms.udemy.com platform. The platform is accesible for only the more common forms that apply to instructors. Please check your email for more info from the team. Thanks!0