Welcome to the community!

Welcome! We're so happy you're here. We can't wait for you to start participating in our official Udemy instructor community.

To kick things off, introduce yourself to your fellow instructors by creating a quick 1-minute video.

In your video, we'd love to hear:

  1. Who you are,
  2. What you teach,
  3. The most interesting thing you’ve learned from another instructor, and
  4. A fun fact about yourself!

You can share your video directly in this thread, or if you're not comfortable sharing a video of yourself, you can write out a response.

Welcome again! We look forward to getting to know you.



  • Hello! I'm Miguel Silva, and I'm the partner of @PatriciaCal
    when it comes to online course creation!

    We teach Illustration and Cartoon Drawing in fun and easy ways.

    One of the most interesting things that I've learned was how to create good promotional announcements with Phil Ebiner, I'm still learning and perfecting it, but it has brought good outcomes!

    Fun fact: I can't dwell on a single task for many days at a time, so I end up switching up from video editing to writing scripts to marketing and so on! It's just the best way I can work. :smileytongue: Also I love playing videogames, so I'm always on the lookout for new game related news!

  • Hi everyone. I’m at the gym and can’t create a vid now. However, I’m Cosmin and I am currently creating my first course. I’m teaching programming.

    Glad to meet everyone.

  • Hello All,

    Great to be part of the instructor community.... I teach IT - Project management, ERP, DB and IOT - Arduino, ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi.

    Nice to get connected with everyone... Will make a video later

  • Hello and congrats to the team at Udemy for the new community! Like many others, I'm not able to create a video at the moment but I'll type out my responses.

    My name is Dan, and I teach mostly productivity-related topics like Jira, Confluence and OneNote. The most interesting thing I've learned from another instructor is how to pretend like you're talking to someone on the other side of the computer screen. The great tip they offered was to put a photograph of a loved one on the monitor and explain things to them.

    A fun fact about myself: In my spare time I host a podcast that celebrated its 1 millionth listen in 2018.
  • Cool! Italy rulezzzzz

  • Hello! I'm Jose. I've been an instructor at Udemy for over 6 years now. Time flies!

    I learn a lot from fellow instructors. I recommend the Online Course Masters podcast if you've recently started teaching online.

    I teach Python and web development. Excited about the new instructor community here at Udemy!

  • Hi everyone! I teach value investing. Nice meeting you all!

  • My name is Laurence Svekis

    I teach web and digital technologies

    The varitey of topics taught on Udemy is amazing

    I use to create training courses on CDs back in 2002

  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm sorry I can't make a video at the moment but I've got to say that I'm really glad to be here. My name is Anas Abba and I'm currently creating a Forex Trading Courses on the platform.

    It's really nice to meet you all.


  • Joy
    Joy Posts: 1 observer rank

    Hello, everybody!

    I'm Joy, Chief Engineer at Fleet Nav Systems. I've been building online courses via other web platforms for about a year now, but am pretty new to Udemy. Currently checking it out to see if this is another (or better) platform I can use for my courses as well. :)

  • Hello Everyone! :)

    Great to be here.

    I am Keval Domadia. I do many things but mainly I write and code. :)

    With almost a decade of experience in Information Technology, I am here to share the ' step by step' right method to engineer an app, both web and mobile!

    I have always been a student too, to sum up, I have learnt a great deal from Jorge Escobar (Flask on Python) and Rob Percival (NodeJS)

    1. A fun fact about yourself!

    I am also a published biographer. :)

    Nice to meet you all :)

  • Leila
    Leila Posts: 4 researcher rank

    Hi - I'm Leila. Thank you for creating this place for us to hang out & learn from one another. I love it! I teach Excel courses on Udemy.

  • It's great to join this udemy new community! :)

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am Kelly and I am creating courses in Leadership and Professional Development. I have my own Leadership and PD company based in Perth, Western Australia.

    To date I have liked reading that most instructors starting have the same fears as I did - filming yourself.. working out how to edit etc.... and I love the support from those that are "old hats"... they are right... it does get easier and it can also be funny watching back when you first start filming to where you progress to once you relax and be confident!

    Fun Fact... while my company is based in Perth.. I am currently living in Cambodia managing a social responsibility e-learning project... as well as running my company remotely..

    *also can't make a video at the moment as I am currently sitting at Denpasar airport at 4am waiting for a flight back to Perth after travelling from Siem Reap/Bangkok/Denpasar for a quick trip home to run a course!



  • Hello all! My name is Sarah. I am creating a course on leader ship. My background is in instructional design, leader ship development, and interviewing and resume development. I’m looking forward to learning from all of you.

  • Hi Everybody,

    I'm new my name is Jerrod Belcher, I'm the Ceo of the indie music label Business Minded Entertainment. I'm from North Carolina I do music, promote music, podcast host, music mix dj, manager of 8 artists, brand ambassador, publisher for 700+ advertisers etc..Let's network my classes will be more on music business, decentralized sites, distribution etc.

  • I'm new as well

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm Diane Riggins. I'm a writer. I write adult and YA fantasy (epic/urban) and paranormal novels and short stories. I'm also a screenwriter. I'm brand new to teaching on Udemy and in middle of creating my first course. I want to create courses centered around writing and about the genres I write in. I look forward to learning from everyone as I move through each step of the process to publish my first class. I'm currently earning my MFA in Creative writing with a certification in teaching writing online. A fun fact about me is that I'm a gamer.

  • Hi. Can you please provide a link to your course on aviation. Thank you.

  • Hey, I'm Fabian - and still working on my first Udemy course; offline I teach a variety of soft skill (nonviolent communication, NLP, marketing, …) and IT topics (HTML, SEO, …). I am a trainer (teaching 1:x) and also a coach (supporting 1:1).

    The most interesting thing I have learnt from other instructors is how many different approaches there are to any given topic – I really like the polyvocality :-).

    Fun fact: I kind of live in a library :-D.