Images in the Course Project

Hi I am building a programming training course, where there are several projects I will be adding to my course, for students to get an understanding of the building process.

My question is that the images I use in my projects, are there any rules around the images, do I need to buy copyright shutterstock type images?, or I can do an image search on google and just use those thimbnails inside my sample projects.

Thanks in advance.



  • MeryMejia
    MeryMejia Posts: 352 Udemy rank

    Hi @Fahdsaif
    , for any specific questions on what's allowed and what isn't in the platform, I suggest you reach out to The Trust & Safety team will be happy to answer your questions!

    Mery Mejia

    Udemy Community

  • Fahdsaif
    Fahdsaif Posts: 13 traveler rank

    Hi Mery, sure, thanks for that.