Where do we reach out to find our "potential students before publishing"?

Hi all .. Im addressing bright, fresh adults starting their professional lives, and looking to make the most of it. Mostly in their 20's intrigued by business & investment related matters. Problem is both my personal and professional social media circles are filled with people double that age
#investment-developers #Business #analysis #development #management #tracking #innovation #IDRS .. thanks in advance for your #help
Linked In maybe? Start a group on Facebook and see who’s interested in joining. Start a YouTube channel and funnel your students to your courses? Just a few ideas from the top of my head. Check out the search functionality too, I think I remember a few topics came up on that recently.
Also, FWIW, I don’t think hashtags are supported on this platform.
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I have had some success with Instagram for this age group. Most of youngsters hang out there.
If you are looking for professionals then tap LinkedIn.
YouTube and Facebook for a generic audience.