course incomplete - going in circles to verify

I have completed 30 mins of video and 10 lectures. I want to submit for verification and have filmed a video with the verification scripts as it did not allow me to submit the automatic way, so i have to email verifications@udemy. That is all fine however, they keep replying that my course is incomplete. The only circle on the left that is not ticked is the captions circle but i have opted for auto captions and have enabled this.

Does anyone know how to mark this box as complete? so that udemy can next verify my course so it can finally be published?

Thanks for your help


  • JaynShah
    JaynShah Posts: 11 traveler rank


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,627 Udemy rank

    Hi @JaynShah
    At this time, the only ones who can help you is the support team at they will be able to verify your account and provide you more details.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community