My First Student!!

After many months of procrastination I finally buckled down during the lockdown and finished a course I had been working on diligently for a long time. It's definitely a niche course so I don't know how well it will do but today I got my first student. And it was someone from Vietnam which was mind blowing. I released it last week and started running a Google ad words campaign over the weekend. Anyway I am excited and I am now going to do more research on best ways to market it.

Thank you to everyone at UDEMY that helped me and to the community of great teachers and students. I've always loved taking courses here so it's awesome that I now have a course on here as well.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,626 Udemy rank

    Hi @JeffBonilla720
    Congratulations on publishing your course! Can you edit your post to remove the Course link (click "options" then select "edit message")? We don't allow self-promotion (course links included), but you can share a video in the community directly if you want to get feedback.

    You might want to take a look at this great thread where instructors shared some marketing tips:

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • Ah ok. I thought I saw other folks putting the links so I actually thought it was best practice type thing. I’ll edit it out.