i have more then 500 students have joined my courses but no reviews yet

please advice more then 500 students have enrolled in my free courses but I don't have any reviews from either of them I don't know what to do please advice. Another thing is that is it a good performance to get 500 students in 2 free courses in 4 days please advice
Hi @dtdsouza
Udemy does not guarantee reviews. However, you can ask for them as long as you follow the guidelines here: https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007512653-Rules-Against-Manipulating-or-Influencing-the-Review-System
In addition, these threads can also help: https://community.udemy.com/t5/Introductions/How-to-get-good-reviews/m-p/14823
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Understand that people who gobble up free courses rarely look at them and even more rarely leave reviews. That is normal. You can't say that getting 500 students to pick up free courses is either good or bad.
Also, I just looked at your preview video on one of your courses on video editing. The preview says almost nothing. Video yourself on camera. Who are you? What is your background and qualifications to teach this course? What is the content that will be covered? What will it do for me... what is the benefit of taking this course. Watch Angela Yu's promo video for her IOS ap development courses and you will see why she has hundreds of thousands of paying students. Use that as a model.