Stealers? or who are these people ???

Hi everyone! Forgive my ignorance, I published my FREE course just a week ago, and got 850 students in two days. only several of them went through the course, just two left a review.
Why would people enrolled if they have no intention to learn( especially Russian verb conjugations?🤨🙄)
Shall I make it paid?
remove the students?
remove the course?
Will it affect the rating?
I am at loss!
Most of instructors will say that dont think pessimistic.I also did same thing before.Normally, people are not taking course (Price is just only max 10 dollar), but when i try to give course freely, 200-300 people enrolled. And there were no comment too.Its annoying.But there is o solution.If i were you, i cant sell my effort free.It doesnt matter when the students will take it. So put a price.If people wonder your course, they will buy it, so no need to give free access.