Sudden decrease of enrollments

Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right Forum but just needed some advice/guidance. I have had a course on Udemy for the past three year. It was only during the April/May period of this year that I saw traction in the number of enrollments from students mainly through Udemy for Business. That traction continued and as of this month I reached the highest number of enrollments (657). That was up until the 13th of November. Since then, strangely enough, the number of enrollments from UFB decreased suddenly from 50 students per day on avg straight down to 2 per day and some days 0.
Would anyone know the reason as to why this would be the case? Ratings were at the 4.40 mark and decreased slightly to the 4.38 mark but not sure if this would be the reason?
Would love some advice on this and see where I can make improvements.
I think this may be due to the recent changes in the marketing policy of udemy, as I am seeing that many instructors are experiencing a downfall in sales in Nov. and posting similar concerns in the community.