Why the demand is low

I am looking at marketplace insights for mongodb and cassandra ( two popular nosql datastores). Interestingly, they show different statistics which are NOT close. While mongo is showing 98th as far demand is concerned and cassandra shows 84.
Few other observations
1. "Best rated" courses under Cassandra is not updated recently and updated around 2 years ago.
2. Very few courses under Cassandra.
Does it reflect anything with repect to the popularity of the datastores ? Do we safely assume creating a course in Cassandra is worth more than creating a course in mongodb?
Hi @Nextgen
, the marketplace Insights reflects search demand on Udemy today, so that means more students are searching Mongo than Cassandra today. You might also want to consider consulting some outside sources like Stack Overflow or Google Trends to further investigate if one datastore is more popular than the other or trending up or down.
You're on the right track looking at existing courses on either topic since no matter how popular your topic is, you want to make sure your course is differentiated from the competition and able to address the challenges of students trying to master that topic.Hope this helps!